The emergency ER is a battlefield. Doctors and nurses are scurrying between beds, calling orders over the constant buzz. A patient wheezes in pain, while another battles against an invisible foe. The air is thick with tension, and the scent of medications hangs heavy. It's a sight of pure chaos, whe
El CPT organiza visitas a los lugares de detención con el fin de evaluar el trato dado a las personas privadas de libertad. Entre estos lugares se cuentan prisiones, centros de detención específicos para menores de edad, comisarías de policía, centro...
Organizaciones y sitios Algunos enlaces útile
The intricate arena of mental healthcare in New Zealand consists of a wealth of techniques towards therapy. Nonetheless, among the varied practices, particular ones have a cloud of argument hanging over them. Notably among these are psych abuses, imposed confinements, chemical restraints, and the us